During the “Clone Saga,” Peter Parker discovered he had been cloned by a villain named the Jackal, who created a duplicate named Ben Reilly. Reilly went on to develop his own identity as the Scarlet Spider and briefly took over as Spider-Man before moving on after Peter Parker returned. During that time, he made some major changes to the standard web-shooter that Peter Parker used as Spider-Man. For one thing, Reilly used a new form of webbing called “impact webbing” that would be ejected as balls that explode like bombs on contact. The exploding webbing would cover and wrap up his targets. Parker seemingly died and was reborn from a cocoon with new and strange abilities.
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Some spiders build webs in tube shapes, funnel shapes, or in dense sheets. Most spiders that build webs are called orb-weaver spiders – this is because the web is a round spiral. Even though spiders have eight eyes, most of them can’t see very well – they rely on what they feel in order to know when they’ve caught prey in their webs. The largest spiders are tarantulas, and the largest tarantula is the Goliath tarantula.
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